
The Little Man is Badly Bent

Note: This is my first post and I’ve pinned it up top temporarily so that the initial visitors to this new site can see it. At some point in the not-to-distant future I’ll unpin it.

2019 started on a sour note, at least for hardcore country & western fans. Steve Ripley died four days into the new year. Ripley was the founder, and only permanent member, of a loosely-affiliated brotherhood of musicians who put out several albums under the band name The Tractors.

Unlike many C&W songs that dwell on heartbreak, or the stereotype of booze-prison-and-pickup trucks, a couple of songs on the band’s debut album have a distinct Woody Guthrie feel. Here’s from The Little Man, written by Tim DuBois, Jim Pulte, and Ripley:

Why don’t we take […]

By |February 12th, 2019|

Defining “Free College”

Making state college education free is a cornerstone of several progressive agendas, most notably that of Bernie Sanders. While I support the concept, as usual the devil is in the details.

First, are we talking strictly about college in the traditional sense of two-year community colleges and four-year institutions conveying a Bachelor’s Degree or higher? Or should we include trade schools? Traditionally, blue collar trades have been looked down on by those in white collar occupations and communities. Nonetheless, a lot of young people have opted not to attend […]

February 25th, 2019|Categories: My Take by Jess Money|Tags: |

Domestic Security Alliance Council

The Domestic Security Alliance Council (DSAC) is a strategic partnership between the U.S. government and the U.S. private industry that enhances communication and promotes the timely and effective exchange of security and intelligence information between the federal government and the private sector.

Aluminum tariffs have led to a strong recovery in employment, production, and investment in primary aluminum and downstream industries

One and a half years ago, the U.S. primary aluminum industry was hanging on by a thread. Between 2010 and 2017, 18 of 23 domestic aluminum smelters shut down, eliminating roughly 13,000 good domestic jobs. In 2016, there were three alumina refineries supplying U.S. smelters; by 2017, only one remained in operation.1 In 2017 the Commerce Department launched Section 232 investigations to determine whether aluminum (and steel) imports were a threat to national security.2

January 25th, 2019|Categories: My Take by Jess Money|Tags: , |

Sanity Saver du Jour

Photo credit: A person, at Redondo Somewhere


In Case Your Missed It

Feed the Kitty


Famous not last words

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.

— author unknown

True Reform

True Reform
Public Enemies, Revolutionary Fiction

Revolutionary Fiction

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Naked Capitalism nakedcapitalism.com
Black Agenda Report https://blackagendareport.com
Newsbud/Boiling Frogs https://www.newsbud.com/
Consortium News https://consortiumnews.com
Counterpunch https://www.counterpunch.org
Crooks & Liars crooksandliars.com
Down With Tyranny downwithtyranny.blogspot.com
Gaius Publiius https://gaiuspublius.tumblr.com/
Governing http://www.governing.com/
Greg Palast gregpalast.com
Independent Voter Network https://ivn.us/2013/12/13/independent-voter-network-ivn/
Jacobin https://www.jacobinmag.com
Jim Hightower jimhightower.com
Jimmy Dore jimmydorecomedy.com
McSweeney’s Internet Tendency mcsweeneys.net
Media Lens medialens.org
Occupy.com www.occupy.com
Paul Craig Roberts www.occupy.com
Ray McGovern http://raymcgovern.com/
Real News Network https://therealnews.com/
Represent.us represent.us
Scott Horton https://scotthorton.org/
The Intercept https://theintercept.com
Tom Dispatch www.tomdispatch.com
Truth Dig https://www.truthdig.com
Truth Out https://www.truthdig.com
Underground News Network https://underground-news-network.com
Wall Street On Parade wallstreetonparade.com
We Meant Well (Peter Van Buren) http://wemeantwell.com/
Wolf Street (Wolf Richter) https://wolfstreet.com
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