
About Jess Money

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So far Jess Money has created 3 blog entries.

Hot Links & Great GIFS for March 2-3, 2019

Vanity Fair -- “THEY ARE NOT ALL GOING TO BE ABLE TO RAISE ENOUGH”: ELIZABETH WARREN’S ROOKIE MISTAKE FORESHADOWS A 2020 MONEY WAR File this under both "Why The Primary Calendar Should Rotate" and "Why We Need Public Campaign Financing". Not that Warren is my preferred front-runner (3rd place, at least at the moment) but every candidate should have a reasonably equal chance to make their case to the voters. Washington Informer -- Black Lives Matter Activist Pressures MPD for Surveillance Data "...organizer April Goggans often posted online about a marked police car parked in front of her home and [...]

By |2019-03-03T17:11:42-08:00March 3rd, 2019|Hot Links|

Hot Links & Great GIFs for Thursday, 2/28/19

Pentagon harbors culture of revenge against whistleblowers Two quotes sum up the tawdry (but expected) details: “The message that’s sent is that the first priority is to protect the institution, not to ensure accountability for wrongdoing.” ‘Your chances of avoiding professional suicide are akin to winning the lottery." Naturally. Wouldn't want to spoil the propaganda, as Noam Chmosky points out: "The point of public relations slogans like "Support Our Troops" is that they don't mean anything ... that's the whole point of good propaganda. You want to create a slogan that nobody is going to be against and I suppose [...]

By |2019-03-01T14:29:14-08:00February 28th, 2019|Hot Links|

Defining “Free College”

Making state college education free is a cornerstone of several progressive agendas, most notably that of Bernie Sanders. While I support the concept, as usual the devil is in the details. First, are we talking strictly about college in the traditional sense of two-year community colleges and four-year institutions conveying a Bachelor's Degree or higher? Or should we include trade schools? Traditionally, blue collar trades have been looked down on by those in white collar occupations and communities. Nonetheless, a lot of young people have opted not to attend college in favor of learning a specific trade. Under the current system, [...]

By |2019-03-01T13:38:34-08:00February 25th, 2019|My Take by Jess Money|
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