The 30th Amendment

The 30th Amendment

By |2019-01-17T18:15:50-08:00January 2nd, 2019|Amendments, The Restoration Amendments|

Limits on Presidential Power

Section 1: No President may pardon, commute, parole or grant other reprieve from sentence to any person serving, or who has served, as President or Vice President, or who has advised or served in an official or unofficial capacity any administration or campaign of the President or the Vice President.

Section 2: No President, Vice President, or official of any branch of government shall be exempt from full and complete compliance with any law.

Section 3: Should the President disagree with Congress over the constitutionality or enforcement of any provision of any law, or of a regulation derived there from, the Supreme Court shall hear arguments and issue a binding ruling forthwith. Any order or directive asserting the power of the President or the Executive branch not to comply with any provision of any law, regulation, or resolution passed by Congress shall result in the automatic immediate impeachment and trial of the President. All such statements or assertions previously made by any President, and any rulings, regulations, procedures, or precedents derived as a result thereof are null and void.

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