Rotation from Power
Section 1: Senators elected subsequent to ratification of this Amendment shall serve no more than twelve years. Senators appointed to serve out unfinished terms shall serve no more than fourteen years. Senators in office upon the ratification of this Amendment shall serve no more than one additional term.
Section 2: Members of the House of Representatives elected subsequent to ratification of this Amendment shall serve no more than twelve years. Members of the House of Representatives in office upon ratification of this Amendment who have served less than twelve years may serve additional terms until reaching twelve years.
Section 3: Except for persons returning from active government service abroad, candidates for congressional, state, or local office shall have maintained a residence in that jurisdiction for at least one year prior to election, and shall have been present in said jurisdiction for at least 120 days during that year. Officeholders shall maintain a residence in their district, or for Senators, in that state, throughout their term of office, and shall be physically present thereat for at least 60 days of every year. Violation hereof will result in immediate removal from office by order of the Chief Justice of that state’s Supreme Court.
Section 4: Perpetuation of a permanent political class being detrimental to the health of the republic, for a period of five years after having left elected office, appointed Cabinet or sub-cabinet position, or employment of any type in a government agency, no person shall be employed or retained in any capacity by any person or entity having previous or current business under the authority of any office, committee, or department position previously held by former official or employee. No family member shall succeed another family member in the same office until six years has elapsed.
Section 5: Except for true matters of national security, subject to judicial review if necessary, after leaving elected office, appointed Cabinet or sub-cabinet position, or employment of any type in a government agency, no person shall attempt in any way to influence policies or legislation, or to provide advise pertaining thereto, except through public testimony or written communication subject to unrestricted public review.
Section 6: Any violation or attempted violation of the provisions of this Amendment shall be a felony punishable by mandatory maximum-security incarceration for a term not subject to pardon, parole, commutation, or other reduction, of at least ten years.
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