Election Integrity
Section 1: On the first Wednesday of October of the year preceding each Presidential election, Congress shall conduct a random drawing to determine the order and dates on which states may conduct a Presidential primary or caucus.
Section 2: States having twenty or more electoral votes and those having four or fewer shall be excluded from the first drawing. From the remaining states and jurisdictions, the Parliamentarian shall draw five to conduct their primaries or caucuses on the third Tuesday of February.
Section 3: All remaining states and jurisdictions not yet assigned dates shall then be drawn in groups of five. The first group drawn shall conduct primaries or caucuses on the first Tuesday of March; the next on the third Tuesday of March. All subsequent groups shall, in the order of their selection, conduct their respective primaries or caucuses on the first, second or the third Tuesdays of April, May, and June, as necessary.
Section 4: All elections, including partisan primaries, shall be conducted completely under the control of each jurisdiction’s primary election officer. Any failure to ensure a fair and impartial election, with equal access, materials, equipment, and staffing across all polling sites, or any failure to properly maintain voter rolls that results in disenfranchisement of eligible voters, shall be a felony punishable as prescribed in Section 10.
Section 5: All elections shall be conducted using hand-marked paper ballots which shall be deposited in transparent ballot boxes which are under constant public observation and constant recorded electronic surveillance. All ballots shall be hand-counted in public at the location where cast, and the results shall be announced to the public and disseminated via live media before said ballots are moved to any other location. All ballots shall be maintained under security by the chief election official of that state or jurisdiction for a period of five years.
Section 6: No person not a citizen of these United States shall be eligible or allowed to vote in any election. Any legislation, regulation, practice, custom, or court ruling which is, or may be, contrary to this principle, including those attendant to the process of voter registration, is hereby null and void. Any non-citizen who votes shall be guilty of a felony punishable as prescribed in Section 10 and shall be deported upon completion of sentence.
Section 7: Any person charged with responsibility for the enforcement of election laws who fails to act diligently to prevent voting by non-citizens, or who in any way facilitates such illegal voting, shall be guilty of a felony punishable as prescribed in Section 10.
Section 8: All states and lesser jurisdictions thereof shall insure that every person eligible to vote has free and convenient access to any documentation necessary to prove citizenship. Any person responsible for implementation of voter identification documentation who fails to discharge those duties with the greatest possible diligence shall be guilty of a felony punishable as prescribed in Section 10.
Section 9: All presidential general elections shall be a national holiday. Government agencies (other than those engaged in public safety or election management) and private companies who cannot suspend operations for the entire day shall give all employees a minimum of fours hours paid time in which to vote. Public safety employees shall be given a minimum of two hours paid time and shall have priority at their appropriate polling place.
Section 10: Violation of Sections 4 or 5 shall be a felony punishable by mandatory maximum-security incarceration for a period of not less than ten years. Violation of Sections 6, 7, or 8 shall be a felony punishable by mandatory maximum-security incarceration for a period of not less than five years. All sentences prescribed herein shall not be subject to pardon, suspension, commutation, parole, or other reduction of sentence. Conviction or plea of guilty shall result in the forfeiture of all pension benefits accrued while in public office or employment.
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