Participatory Democracy
Section 1: The right of voters in all states and lesser jurisdictions thereof to participate by legally binding initiative, referendum, and recall is hereby established. Any initiative or referendum petition containing valid signatures, of voters residing within the jurisdiction subject to said measure, equaling ten percent of the votes cast in that jurisdiction during the last general election shall be put before the voters within a period of not less than 90 nor more than 150 days after certification of qualification.
Section 2: For measures to recall elected officials, the percentage of registered voter signatures necessary to qualify for the ballot shall be no more than fifteen percent of the votes cast in that jurisdiction during the last general election, and said recall election shall take place no less than 60 nor more than 90 days after certification of qualification.
Section 3: Proponents of initiative or recall measures shall have 180 days to collect and present the necessary signatures. Proponents of referendums shall have 70 days after official approval of the resolution, law, or other action of government being contested.
Section 4: Certification of petition signature validity shall be performed in a timely manner by the official who is normally responsible for the conduct of elections in that jurisdiction. In the event that a petition is deemed short the required signatures, proponents shall have a reasonable right of appeal, including to court of law, to protest disqualified signatures.
Section 5: Once approved by voters, an initiative shall not be repealed or amended except by another vote of the people. If any portion of a measure is later overturned by a court of law, all other provisions shall remain in full force and effect.
Section 6: Any attempt to obstruct, impede, or delay the provisions provided for herein shall be a felony punishable by mandatory maximum-security incarceration for a period, not subject to pardon, suspension, commutation, parole, or other reduction of sentence, of at least five years. Conviction or plea of guilty shall result in the forfeiture of all pension benefits accrued while in public office or employment.
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