The 39th Amendment

The 39th Amendment

By |2019-01-15T00:07:51-08:00January 2nd, 2019|Amendments, The Restoration Amendments|

The Right to Privacy

Section 1: The right to privacy being critical to the citizens of a free and democratic republic, no individual, organization, business entity, or department of government at any level shall maintain files, dossiers, or other records pertaining to any citizen except:

  1. a) As such records shall result from the issuance of a properly noticed search warrant or subpoena applicable to that individual, or from a civil or criminal court action;
  2. b) As such records serve legitimate civilian purpose bearing on the establishment of credit;
  3. c) As are necessary for the granting of licenses and permits or for the effective regulation of business enterprises including charities and non-profit entities;
  4. d) By affirmative consent by the person to the collector of such information, without such permission being imposed by the collector as a requirement of use, access, or service, or in lieu of payment for same, and with the collector restrained from selling, bartering, or otherwise communicating such information to any third party.

Section 2: Immediately upon ratification of this Amendment, all files, dossiers, or records in violation hereof, whether held in public or private hands, within the physical confines of the republic or abroad, shall be permanently and completely destroyed. Failure to do so by any person authorized or obligated to perform such destruction shall be a felony punishable as prescribed in Section 3.

Section 3: Violation of any provision of this Amendment shall be a felony resulting in the incarceration of all offending parties in a maximum-security penal institution for a period, not subject to pardon, parole, commutation, or other reduction of sentence, of not less than twenty years. Conviction or plea of guilty shall result in the forfeiture of all pension benefits accrued while in public office or employment.

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