Sovereign Security
Section 1: The security of a nation resting inevitably on the security of its borders, Congress shall fully fund all walls, barriers and other infrastructure necessary to secure the nation’s border and prevent any unauthorized entry.
Section 2: Congress shall provide all funds and enact all laws, which the Executive Branch shall fully enforce, necessary to prevent any person who has entered the county illegally from remaining therein.
Section 3: Until such time as the nation’s southern and northern land borders have been fully and effectively sealed to prevent any unauthorized entry, Congress shall give no grant of amnesty, or exemption from the provisions of this Amendment, except to a specific person by name upon demonstration of unique and meritorious circumstance.
Section 4: Employing, causing to employ, or facilitating the employment of a person within the territorial limits of the United States who is not legally eligible to be so employed shall be a felony punishable as prescribed in Section 8.
Section 5: Immediately upon ratification of this Amendment, the right of automatic citizenship will no longer confer to children when either parent is in the country illegally.
Section 6: Neither Congress nor the President shall bind the United States to any treaty, trade agreement, or other covenant that surrenders any sovereign legal rights or judicial or military powers of the federal government or any state and lesser jurisdiction to any foreign entity. Immediately upon ratification of this Amendment, all such treaties and agreements previously in force are null and void.
Section 7: A common language being necessary to a stable economy and a unified citizenry, English shall be the official language of the nation. All business of Federal, state, and local government, and all official documents thereof including ballots and election materials, shall be in English, and only English. Recognizing the value of other languages in a global community, Congress and the States shall implement foreign language proficiency requirements as a condition of secondary school graduation.
Section 8: Violation of Section 4 shall be punishable by mandatory maximum-security incarceration for a period, not subject to pardon, parole, suspension, commutation, or other reduction of sentence, of at least five years.
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