We do not track visitors and we do not retain or share visitor information.. If you choose to comment, your User Name does not have to be your real name; in fact, we anticipate that quite a few creative user-names will be employed. However, profanity or obscenity in a user name will not be tolerated. Email addresses are required for leaving Feedback comments but they will not be published, shared, or sold. We may use them to contact you directly. If we contact you directly with respect to fundraising or other activities there will be an opt-out option.
We also retain the right to use your Feedback comments (including your User Name) in conjunction with other True Reform activities, including social media posts, promotions for True Reform events, activities, etc.
We treasure your feedback, It has great potential to expand and enhance the subjects under discussion, and to advance the cause of getting The Restoration Amendments enacted.
However, as noted on the home page and each post, at present we do not have the manpower to moderate comments. Until such time as we do, we will publish selected comments which we feel add the most understanding and insight to the post under discussion. Unfortunately, this will inevitably lead to some worthwhile comments not being posted. We ask your indulgence and forgiveness.
Your best chance to have your comment appear in the Feedback section is to provide clear, concise, high-quality information and analysis, supported with links where appropriate. (More on links below.) The aim is to stimulate and enhance the free flow of ideas and information relevant to our efforts to get The Restoration Amendments enacted.
Since the promotion of critical thinking is a primary goal, criticism of an amendment is fine as long as it points out a perceived weakness or defect in the current drafting. Nay-saying about the chances of enactment may be reasonable in your opinion, but it is not helpful, and can quickly result in revocation of commenting privileges.
Funny is also good; it offsets the emotional blight and craven banality that most of us confront on a daily basis. However, keep it civil. Making fun of our nation’s political, economic, and social Mis-leaders is fine; but be careful mocking other commenters. Remember, this is not an open forum or a chat room, so avoid excessive or unnecessary invective.
We also encourage you to email tips and links to articles or GIFs which are relevant to the problems that the Restoration Amendments are designed to remedy or eliminate. Since we can’t possibly monitor every state and community, this is particularly true for local and state issues. As we grow we will have pages and eventually whole sections devoted to each state.
Even though we are selective in what Feedback we publish, this does not mean that we are keen to indulge those who abuse the process. Commenting is a privilege, not a right, and we will not hesitate to revoke it from anyone who abuses the opportunity through abusive or intellectually dishonest tactics. (More on this below.)
Classified Information and Stolen Documents
We are not an intelligence community watchdog. There is plenty of stuff that is not classified, or which is leaked to/published by other publications and organizations, that demonstrates the need for enactment of the Restoration Amendments. We are also not going to get cat-fished into being shut down because we came into possession of something, or allowed it to appear on this site, that would give the government legal grounds to close us down and/or prosecute our personnel. Therefore:
Do NOT include classified information or documents, previously published or not, in Feedback comments or emails, even if they contain information about True Reform. Do NOT mail or ship or personally deliver to us any such items.
Do NOT link to classified information or documents, previously published or not, in Feedback comments or emails, even if they contain information about True Reform.
If some other source publishes allegedly classified material that is pertinent to True Reform, or the Restoration Amendments, summarize or paraphrase the content, but be sure to include the name of the source. For example, “The Intercept is publishing allegedly classified documents that claim to show that…” Anyone — including our staff — who is interested in reading more can hunt down the article.
Do NOT include stolen documents or links to stolen documents in Feedback comments or emails. Do NOT mail or ship or personally deliver to us any such items. If you have access to such documents and believe that they credibly demonstrate illegal or unethical behavior (especially regarding opposition to True Reform or the Restoration Amendments), send us an email stating only that, and nothing more. Nothing about where the docs were stolen from, who stole them, what they contain, or why we might be interested. We will refer your email to our attorneys for review and whatever further action might be appropriate.
Other Things That Will Get You In The Doghouse and/or Banned:
- Posting on issues not relevant to The Restoration Amendments. This is particularly true of conspiracy theories. No speculation that 9-11 was a controlled demolition, or that Obama was born in Africa. Likewise, no posts about how much money the government is spending on travel for Trump and his family. It may be onerous and wasteful, but as long as the law requires the Secret Service to protect the First Family, nothing productive will come from venting about it. We only care if any particular politician, including Trump, is a wastrel, corrupt, crook, or criminal if it ties directly to one of the amendments.
- Posting links to bullshit articles from unreliable sources and sites, or those that are clearly partisan. A stopped clock is still right twice a day, and even a blind squirrel eventually finds a few acorns. But if you’re tempted to post from InfoWars, Breitbart, World Net Daily, or Daily Kos, you’d better double check the story to make sure it is being carried by other sources. And if it is, better to link to those other sources.
- No posting from racial supremacy sites. No use of racist rhetoric unless it is a specific, verifiable quote that is being posted simply to prove, and condemn, what the person said. (Posting video of something analogous to George Allen’s “Macaca” comment is fine. Referring to illegal aliens as illegals is okay; calling them wetbacks is not.)
- Profanity is okay, but best used in moderation, for effect rather than as a litany. If in doubt, substitute the phrase “family blog” or “family blogging”. Everyone will get the idea.
- Repetition is bad, boring, and time-consuming. Don’t make the same argument over and over, especially if we have chosen to publish Feedback that is counter to what you submitted. (Take it as an indication that your argument failed to persuade.) Also, don’t double post unless, in a specific instance, your comment or link is clearly relevant to multiple articles.
- Resorting to rhetorical tricks, fallacious logic, strawman propositions, false equivalencies, or ad hominem attacks, esp. against the authors of original posts or material we have linked.
- Trying to assign work to others, including your hosts. If you believe that a subject should be addressed, and submitting links is insufficient, instead of asking us to do the work, cover it yourself. Do the necessary research, write it up, and submit it as a guest post. If it’s good, chances are we’ll run it. (We may edit it for clarity, length, and language but we’ll supply you with a revised copy before publishing.)
Anyone who violates these policies may be temporarily or permanently banned for submitting feedback, and your emails may be blocked. If we notify you by email that you have been banned or are getting perilously close, we will keep your email address unblocked long enough for you to respond and we will take into consideration anything constructive that results from the exchange.
If you are permanently banned, your comments and feedback will never be reviewed, and your emails will be blocked. Needless to say, our decisions are final.
Submitting feedback comments or emailing True Reform is deemed acceptance of these policies.
Given that The Restoration Amendments take direct aim at a lot of business-as-usual, we don’t anticipate having many ads. But we may have some, so bear with us, skip over what doesn’t appeal to you, and maybe you’ll find the occasional product or service from which you can benefit.